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Is it worth it?

So, I've known this guy for 4/5 years,and it was our leavers the other day. I've never really spoke to him up until sixth form, at least properly anyway. But towards of the end of this academic year we got more and more flirty to each other, and at the leavers he was giving me dead on signs that he liked me and was flirting with me and I was flirting back because well hey, I do sort of like this guy - he's nice, charming, funny, smart - everything I could want really. Anyway towards the end of the night I was waiting for the taxi home with my friend and he made a point of getting someone else to stay with him so he could make sure we actually got into a taxi and got my number off of me so that he could check I got home safe and all that jazz. Anyway, he started texting me the day after and we haven't really stopped since, apart from when at work or sleeping, obviously.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm developing feelings for this guy, and him and his friends are dropping pretty obvious hints too but I'm just not sure whether to go for it or not. See, I'm moving away for University in September, and he's staying home and going to one in our city. I've thought about a LDR - but I've had one before, and it didn't work out well for us. Plus with train fares to and from university I could quickly eat up my loan.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, I really like this guy, and he likes me too, but LDR won't work and I'm moving away in 2 and a bit months. Is it worth even attempting to take it any further?:confused:

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