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How do I tell my boyfriend I need time alone to study without upsetting him?

OKAY I hate asking these types of questions but I need some general advice on this. Basically this September I'm going to be a mature student (I'll be 23 but apparently that makes me mature 8)) and right now, my boyfriend and I both work full time but don't live together mainly because we're both minimum wage poor as **** haha and don't see it as a good investment to rent... But we live close.

I've told my boyfriend quite a few times now that I'm going to need time alone to study. I've started self studying because my work load once I start my full time course is going to be manic (college, working part time, volunteer placement, helping my dad with his business work, commuting 2.5 hours, juggling boyfriend/friends/family...) but ALREADY its causing us strain. I love him more than anything but all he really does it go to work and come home, he loves me a lot and his favourite thing to do is spend time with me. The problem is I just find it so difficult to concentrate on my actual work when hes there. And I WANT to be focused, but its tricky when stuff is going on in the background if you know what I mean. He'll be like, playing video games and its distracting haha

So first of all, does anyone have any tips for studying while a SO is around? Staying in the same room? I'm hoping to use him to help me study with flashcards and whatnot haha.

OR, how do I get him to understand how important this is that I actually study and not just piss about? We have had serious talks and we've done the whole staring into eachothers eyes with the "I'LL SUPPORT YOU NO MATTER WHAT!" thing but he can't seem to understand hes getting in the way lol oh god I feel awful about making this thread!

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