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Moving home with parents and worried guy I like will think less of me!

I'm graduating and after a month of struggling (financially and otherwise) I've decided to live at home again until I'm back on my feet.

Financially, I'm job hunting and have had a couple of interviews (which is promising) but no job yet. I have money saved from my previous wages, but it's running out and I don't want to start dipping into my savings. Moreover, I had to leave my recent job because of an enduring leg injury that hasn't healed yet.

On top of this I visit/look after a terminally ill family member who lives in my hometown - which means I try to see this person as much as possible but travelling back and forth is taking a toll on me physically and mentally. Living an hour away from home isn't long, but I want to spend time with my family just now and would rather not have to travel so much.

About this guy: for a start, he lives closer to where I am now, which would make a potential relationship very workable. But I don't think I have much choice in this matter for now, and as he is seven years older me and very self-sufficient, I'm worried this move will be off-putting enough for him to not want to see my anymore. Or that where am I in my life just clashes too much. I suppose it would mean seeing him a bit less than I have been, but I'd still be up for date nights etc. Please tell me I'm being daft/give me some perspective...

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