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Need opinions: Does he like me?

Hey all! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! I was hoping to get your opinions on my situation. Sorry it's kind of long!

I just finished my first year of University (finally!) and there's a guy, one year older than me (possibly the same age, depending if he took a 5th year of high school or not) who just finished second year. He's tall, handsome, fun, and he's of similar religion to me, and we believe many of the same things. I think he might like me, but I'm unsure because I've been wrong about things like this before.

I met him in a religious group I joined on campus called Power To Change, in January. He's a really nice guy, always smiling and cheerful, I've never seen him without a smile on his face. It's just his usual demeanor, and I'm often very cheerful as well, so I really like that about him.

We've only ever hung out a couple time outside of Power to Change, but usually cause we were planning an event for Power to Change, or because we happened to be in the same place between classes. Whenever he sees me in the halls though, he always stops to talk to me for a bit, even if he's on his way to class.

Power to Change had weekly meetings where we'd sing, pray, listen to a religious speaker, break off into prayer groups, sing again, and then have a social time at the end where we'd talk, eat chips and drink pop. He'd always go out of his way to talk to me before and/or after the meetings, and he'd just ask me about how school's going, what's going on, etc. I also noticed that whenever we're talking, he looks right at me, doesn't look away or look distracted at all, he focuses on me.

At the Power to Change banquet, we had some guy come in and teach us some square dancing (they have a different type of dance instructor each banquet) and he asked me to be his partner even though there were several other girls there. Now it COULD have been because I didn't have a partner and he was just trying to be nice.

Lastly, he just left a couple days ago on a missions trip to Lima, Peru. Last week, he Facebook messaged a bunch of people asking for a $10 donation for the last bit of funding he needed, so I donated $20. He thanked me in the message, and messaged me separately, starting it with, "Hey (my name)! My fun-loving, square-dancing, anime-expert friend" and thanked me again for my donation, all my prayers, and asked if I wanted to be on an e-mail list with a bunch of others who want to keep up with the project. I said I did, and he also said he'd want to hear all about my summer so far when he gets back in a month, so I said we should hang out when he gets home.

So, to sum up (again, sorry it's so long!) I do like him so far, but I don't want to get in over my head and find out he was just being friendly. So, does it sound like he likes me? Or am I ahead of myself? I'd love some input! Thanks!

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