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Age Difference AND Kids

hi TAMmers :) it's me again.
not officially divorced yet, but i think there's no way to R.

so i met this guy through a dating site. actually i 'met' several guys through dating site, but i always found something was wrong with each of them. this one is different, and no, still no meet up yet since we live like 1000kms apart.

communication : we chat everyday, massive texting, several phone calls [im not big on phone call, and i think he is too].

facts : he's in my shoes, been separated for 3 years after 21 years of marriage. no way to R (long story here, but i'd skip that). 3 daughters, the first one is in college.

problem :
- he's 46 and i;m 32.
- he's with kids and im not.

so far i enjoy our conversations. not much of sexual tensions.he admits he likes me and vice versa, blablabla, some basic stuff.

question :
1. we both agree that our acquaintance could lead to anything: either friendship or actual dating. friendship wont be a problem; but if it becomes more sexual, intimate, and worse, romance; what do i do? the age difference bugs me a lot even we do communicate well enough and become each other's routines of our daily lives.

2. what to do with his kids? he still takes them to their courses twice a week, goes to church together with the kids and the oldest one always stays on his place during weekends.goes to concert or movies occasionally, and by that i can say that he's a good dad -or at least not a jerk dad.

im not sure what my questions are actually, but what do you think about this guy? :rolleyes:
*no, not for relationship or anythng serious* :rolleyes:

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