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Thoughts on love?

So, I was walking home today, and I was thinking; love doesn't exist (by love I mean love between two humans). Think about relationships; you fall in love over looks (or whatever) and then have a brief happy romantic period- you get married, you have kids....

But, you lose that love- the spark goes; your significant other becomes unbearable, you have a mid-life crisis, you cheat and you divorce- its not love!
And the problem arises because of emotions, hormones and desires- love is nothing more than hormones dominating; nothing more than high dopamine levels, and once you marry- its all stale.

And then there arises the issue of marriage and children and your wife (guys). You had dreams, ambitions and hopes- but your partner forces you to concede- first a little, then a bit more and then BAM! too far into the quagmire, no turning back- you've got 3 kids, a people carrier and podgy, whiny wife/beer-belly impotent husband.

I've never had a relationship, or fallen in love, but I draw from invaluable sources- literature+ reason and experience. Literature is effectively life- it connects with us and shows what it means to be human- and part of that is faling in "love"- take Prince Andrei Bolonski in War and Peace; he once that "never get married"- he was unhappy and felt that love is an illusion, women force you to concede. Even Romeo and Juliet, the "greatest love story on earth" ended in death- for what? for what is love worth?

Secondly, reason; love in today's sense is "eros"- that is to say, based off on something- maybe looks, maybe money, maybe connections- whatever it is, is that eros love depends on something else, but no thing in this world is permanent; the only permanence is change- our looks fade, our money decreases etc... Personally, I love only my God, Religion and my Country, but others seek solace elsewhere.

Thirdly, love (if it ever existed) seems to be dead- hendonism and a sexualised society has done that to a T. Why love when exposing your heart will end up in it being crushed? Everyone betrays you- humans are naturally selfish and egotistical- rather you looked out for yourself and no one else, without any of the excess baggage, and without any of the cost (more spending money on you!)

The problem arises with the emotions- what is needed is not emotional, animalistic notions that formulate "love", but reason- pure rationality. There is no love- it is dead, it is futile, it is weak. Reason and religious faith are stronger than "love"- LOVE IS A AN ILLUSION, the grandest one.

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