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This guy is turning me into a PSYCHO

Help me people... seriously. Pretty sure the below doesn't make sense... it is basically me raging in writing.

THE STORY (I will try and keep this short)
I met this guy out in January, been seeing him since - FwB basically, though he says strange things about wanting me to come back to Italy with him, wanting to come home with me (NOT the issue, I get that we are casual and I don't want a relationship - I don't know why he says this but it doesn't matter)
We talk entirely on whatsapp

I'm all by myself, flatmates at home, when I can see that he is ignoring me I flip - send him a **** loads of messages about how horrible he is being bla bla bla.
Five minutes later... long grovelling apology. He will leave it a few hours then reply saying everything is fine, I need to chill, remember we are just friends etc.
What I am saying to him to start with though, is right, and I mean it when I say it to him, but then I get so scared that he will just never reply and I wont see him again that I say sorry and we pretend it never happened.

I have even told him that we shouldn't see each other any more - I KNOW that the longer I see him the more it will hurt when it ends but I still have been unable to end it. It's not even that I am 'falling in love with him' or anything like that - honestly I don't think he's that great a guy, there is just something in me (A LOT worse when I am alone) which makes me snap when he is ignoring me and it hurts it really does. I cried for the first time in 2 years the other day over him, and I cried last night too.

I used to see him 3/4 times a week and he would always get a taxi here, eventually he said I should come to him sometimes and now we don't see each other as much, but when I do see him it is lovely - he is kind of dickish to me but I still like being with him.

Anyway the point of the above crap (sorry about that) How can I break it up with him? I'm pretty sure the root of all my problems is I am just so scared of being all alone, I figure that is all it can be. I don't want to put up with him any more and I HATE the way he makes me - when I am sending him these messages and stuff I feel like a psycho.


FwB guy does my head in
when he ignores messages I have a go at him, 5 minutes later I will send a grovelling apology
Know that for my sanity I need to stop seeing him but I just can't do it
Don't even like him very much (do you think I am kidding myself?)
Also I REALLY want to go to Italy


Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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