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Sex Dating Websites

I have been married for 25 years with 2 grown children. Over the past year I have caught my husband on sex/hook up dating websites. The first time I was devastated. He left his phone sitting on the kitchen counter when it started to chime with a message. Thinking nothing of it I checked. To my surprise I read a message between he and another woman on the site. After digging deeper I found that he had been a paid member of the site for months. I found his passwords and read sex messages between he and countless numbers of women. He said things to them he has never said to me before. How beautiful they were...What great bodies they had...What he wanted to do to them...ect.

My husband and I have always had a fairly decent sex life. He never went without and I was always ready willing and able to please. There have been days that we would actually do 2 sometimes 3 times a day when the house was empty. I am fairly attractive and have a decent body for my age. I work out and stay active. So was pretty
blown away by all of this. He has always had an eye for sexy women and I never really thought much of it.

Upset and pretty distraught I confronted him. He pretty much assured me that there was nothing going on and he was only there to have fun and look. He promised me he would delete the profile...which I might add told everything about himself right down to his job and hobbies and was embelished with photos of himself.
I decided to forgive and even started sending him sexy photos of myself and dirty text messages thinking that maybe I should spice things up and that maybe this would keep him pointed in the right direction.I have always kept tabs on his emails (I have the passwords) and internet phone usage (he never uses the computer). I have seen alot of smut mail and know he searches porn but nothing that waved any red flags....until now...a year later.

He went away on a trip with a group he belongs to. His login to his email was on my laptop as I had been trying to help him email photos. The next morning when I turned on the laptop and noticed he was still logged on I check his emails and low and behold he had renewed his membership!

I am completely torn apart by this! I have so many mixed emotions! Help!!!
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