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issues with husband over son with special needs

When my husband left, he promised that he would look after my son so that I can finish my college course. Thursdays seem to be a problem for him, he said to me today that he doesn't see why he has to come all this way over to our house just to make sure that our son gets his taxi ok.
hubby has only just recently left me and at the moment he is just thinking of himself and how much money it's costing him everytime he makes a trip over to our house.
Our son is 19 and has high functioning autism and my husband seems to think it's ok to leave our son with a key and trust him to lock up when his taxi turns up.
I think it's too much too soon to give our son this sort of independence. He's never used a key before, I've always been there to take him to the taxi. I will worry when I'm at college whether he has locked the door or not. I suffer from anxiety and this will only make it worse.
I feel I can't talk to my husband about this as he is adamant that I should start making our son more independent. Your thoughts please?

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