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When my boyfriend drinks he's a different man

I dont drink, and this is alot to do with the fact that a) I have really bad health and the medication im on mixed with alchool always results in me ending up with hospital
b) my boyfriend asked me not to drink after getting so ill i had to be in hospital for a few days which i respect. I know he gets angry if i drink after 1 glass of wine he flipped out, and its not controlling but its more concern. It always results in arguements even if i want one drink so cant be bothered as hes right its not worth risking my health for a glalss of wine

However my boyfriend drinks ALOT and im slightly uncomfortble with how much he changes. I get everybody is a bit different but hes a toally different man. Usually he is a bit jokey but hes caring and funny he thinks about me he talks to me when he is drunk he is non of these things. He turns into a total dickhead doing stupid things, he goes and chats up woman and flirts with them (in front of me) he spends hours talking to them and dancing with them while im just left sitting there. He seems to forget i exist he left me at the wedding we went to on my own for 3 hours in the middle of some hotel on the other side of the country while he went off with his friends and did god knows what. He smokes (im not anti smoking but considering i have a very bad heart and lungs doing it virtually in my face when he knows im ill is pretty selfish ) , when he does bother to talk to me he turns all sexual and slimy, he tries to make me touch him in front of people or he tries to stick his ha nd up my dress which is clearly not on in public. He also just wants sex when we get back and to be quite honest sex is a massive thing for me i dont want to go and have sex with somebody whose so smashed he wont remeber it the next day.

He goes out and drinks probablyy 3 times a week and its excessive last night alone he drank 3 big bottles of ammerato and a whole crate of bear and that was just the 'pre drinking' i saw

I know hes jusst haviing fun and cant judge but if im honest when hes drunk no i dont trust him becuase hes somebody different not my boyfriend hes going to ibiza in summer for 2 weeks with the boys and im dreading it because im 80% sure while drunk he will cheat yet when i bring it up he says his dirnking is normal help?

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