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Any good choices?

I am posting here because I have no one else to talk to. I don't know how wise it would be to talk to family or friends at this time. Maybe someone here has been through the same thing and can give good advice.. I would appreciate any help.

My husband and I have been married less than 3 years. We have one child who is still an infant.

My husband has a temper. I can't make myself sit back and take it, and don't want to, and it has been steadily destroying our relationship. It is at the point where I am afraid to bring up any problem--no matter how mundane--that we need to solve together, for fear it will lead to world war III. All it takes is a small disagreement of opinion, and he may blow up at me, call me b---, yell, cuss, get in my face, threaten divorce, so on. He used to break things and punch holes in walls as well, but once I saw it was escalating like that, I began asking him to leave the house. To his credit, he would. He has stopped doing those things, yet the verbal attacks have gotten worse if anything.

He had a truly horrendous childhood. That must have something to do with it, but it comes to a point where I wish he would do something about it. We've been to counseling, but although he participates during the session, he won't do anything that the counselor suggests once we're out of there. He seems to think it's my fault, I press his buttons, I'm controlling, I need to change.

I am so tired. I love him, but I can't change this or accommodate it. He doesn't seem to understand the effect of his temper on others.

I feel like we may be at the point of separating. I am terrified for our baby. I don't know what to do that would be best for his well-being. I grew up with both parents and want that for him. I do not want him to feel like he has to hold his tongue ever for fear of being unloaded on :( My husband has been a wonderful father to him thus far. Do I stay for my baby's sake? Do I leave for his sake? I've heard that divorcing when a child is still young is easiest on them. Is this true? Any children of divorced parents, I would very much appreciate your input. Did you remember it? Is there anything that did or would have made things easier on you?

I am at wit's end. Please help.

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