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Goodbye TAM friends- 3 yrs later- I dont have the heart for this.

Hi guys! Some of you will know that I posted under Canttrustu several years ago. I received an enormous amount of help and encouragement and enacted most of the advice given to me- thankfully bc most of it worked!

After 3.5 long years A friend asked me to come back and help a poster who's H was having an EA and she was concerned about the advice she was getting(to rugsweep and move on). She was concerned this poster was being run over. She chose to rugsweep in the end anyway sadly.

Next came a WS who has already had 1 EA and is cruisng to have sex with most anything else he can......he's been given advice over and over and remains incredibly arrogant and of course RIGHT.

3 years ago I would have hung in there despite his rudeness and arrogance- for his wife. But today, I think I have healed enough that I just don't have it in me to swing the 2x4 and then listen to him stand in his arrogance and indignance at the people taking their time to try and help him simply bc he doesn't like the way the post read. 8-10 people telling the same guy the same thing, people who have been where his wife is and even where he is, yet after all advice is given he claims to have already enacted all of then whats the point of writing the post? Seriously.

Anyway folks, thanks to those of you who welcomed me back with open arms- the old timers. Good luck and keep fighting the good fight! And my deepest appreciation for all of you .



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