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Mr Disappearing Man: Why do people do it?

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Had a MDM situation on my hands a month ago. Just to throw it out there, I'm over the guy and somehow we still 'awkwardly' remain friends. But was wondering just for future referencing.

Why do some people think that pulling a Houdini act is ok? Not just guys, but sometimes girls too. Yes, I have girl friends who do it too.
Wouldn't that just result to an act of a coward? ...Because it's easier to avoid collateral damage? Can't quite put my finger on it. On why do people do that to someone they once were attracted to? Everyone makes it loud and clear when they're interested. But once the interest wears off...silence.

I've read articles all saying that we shouldn't give a damn on why they disappear and just move on. But when is the time to move on? A couple days? weeks? I wouldn't say a day, because it's ok to go M.I.A for a 24 hrs. People need personal time.

I'm not talking about a change in text and call frequency. That's understandable, everybody returns back to their usual lifestyle in a matter of time. But *POOFF!* gone, kinda thing.

What are you're thoughts on this? Have you every pulled a disappearing act on someone? Why?


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