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Wife mad about small business and blaming me for her bad credit

I'll make this nice and short

My wife left work to take care of our baby this summer.

I have a side business, in addition to a full time corporate job, that makes enough money to get us by.

So I ramped up the business to cover the money we lost when she quit - which would have probably been lost if we did daycare.

all is good.

Fast forward to now.

We want to buy a new house, we go to see a mortgage guy yesterday, who i am only able to reveal my corporate salary too, since my side business won't be on a tax return until 2014 (and you can't use self-employeed income until after 2 years tax returns anyway)

my wife is angry that i'm unable to use all of my income for the preapproval...and says that i should have just gotten a better more high paying job instead of making cash on the side. - and that we probably won't get approved.


Fast Forward to today.

I get a call...they approved us for the full amount of the mortgage we wanted, with a great interest rate!! Woo hoo right!??! NO...they said that we could only get the rate if we didn't put my wife on the loan.

Her credit is still not good, from some 90 day late pays back in 2008 (when we first met). And some weird late car payment in 2005, that didn't get reported until 2009.

Now she's saying that it's my fault for not getting her credit better, (I handle the money) even though the problems with her credit was long before we got married!!! Ever since I took over she hasn't even had ONE late payment in 5 years.


She obviously wants her name on the house...but isn't it hers anyway??? I just don't get it...I don't think I would care. On the flip side...why SHOULD I HAVE TO BE THE ONE to take all the liability???

I feel like she should be thanking me for always having such great credit, rather than blaming me for her history of past due payments.

I just don't get it how she can be mad at me on Monday night because I might be the reason we can't get approved - then madder on Tuesday night when it turns out i'm the ONLY reason we got approved.


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