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I really ****ed up

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I really need some advice on this, I have been seeing my girlfriend for a while now but I've done something so dumb.

We're pretty madly in love but I put a bit of a shadow over it last weekend when she came to stay. We were at a party and everything was going great until at the end of the night she started talking to this guy, just one for ages and ages and it looked kind of flirty, then they both kissed each other on the cheek and he left. I saw this and I was not happy but I didn't say anything.

I started feeling a bit sick in my stomach, very jealous. but I tried my best to keep my cool and not get annoyed or too sad. So eventually she noticed I wasn't feeling great when we got back into my room because I just wanted to sleep. She knew I was lying when I said I was fine so I just told her that I didn't like what she did with that guy when she kissed him on the cheek.

She then explained that it was a cultural thing because he was spanish (even though she isn't) and then she laughed it off. I was still feeling all this negativity, I maintained I didn't like it but that I wouldn't ever be a controlling boyfriend who ever told her what to do and that she can do what she wants, she ended up thinking I was being overly sensitive which got me annoyed and I told her I didn't want to see her anymore, which was stupid, and a massive overreaction but at the time I felt like a fool for being so upset I thought I might as well abandon the idea of a relationship as I clearly can't seem to deal with it. She cried and it just was a horrible situation.

Anyways, we made up and had a great weekend, and it's been so good since, such a nice relationship and I'm so happy, but today she jokingly mentioned how I was sensitive and brought up this incident again, and It really annoyed me and made me re-live the whole scenario but I knew better than to show that and just said I love you and that I'm busy and ended the call

What's wrong with me? am I in the wrong? I do try so hard not to feel jealous and in most situations I would never be, just having my girl kiss another man's cheek is not something I like, and ever will like. It might be normal in spain but I'm english.

What can I do about this? I don't want her thinking I'm lame and insecure and jealous because in most instances I'm not, or am I? I'm so confused, damn


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