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I don't drink, I'm apprehensive

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I could a couple of offers from Unis in the Uk, which I'm real glad about. I'm excited to meet people and make friends, study what I love and live a uni life, but there's a thing I'm pretty apprehensive about.
All my "social" life, I never drank. Back in high school, during 11-12th grade, I smoked (too) much weed. Never to a point where it'd hinder my relationships with family, friends of my girlfriend, but like some people can't go out and enjoy themselves without their 20 litters of vodka, I'd usually smoke up before I went to someone's or to a party and bring weed with me as well.
By the time I left high school, people saw me as like a decent guy who just doesn't like to drink and chills with grass, prefers a ladnight at someone's place with weed and music then going out to bars, listens to FlyLo, MF Doom ( <3 ), and the reason people accepted me as such is because most of my friends were heavy smokers as well.
But i feel like in the UK, where the alcohol culture is so dominant over the weed culture, me not changing my personality would just lead people to think I'm a looser, pot smoker, unsocial student with no friends and I obviously resent having people think of me that way. So I've been apprehensive of having to force myself to drink and get hammered and be like one of those stupid idiots I've seen doing stupid stuff at parties and promised myself never to be like them.
From what I've read, pretty much if you smoke weed, people think you're a looser, and it's undeniable that not drinking at all hinders your social life, not going out to bars, not sharing laughs with drunk friends etc...
Should I change the way I've been the past three years and re-invent myself as a poison drinking student who loves EDM and enjoys more than anything going out with the boys to get trashed?


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