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Best friend is seeing my ex. Advice please!!!

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Sorry in advance for this post being so long. It's quite complicated so I'm going to start from the beginning to give you all a clear picture.

I met a guy in uni a few years ago and we hit it off straight away. He was lovely and although we never became official, we were seeing each other on and off for over two years. Despite the fact that I cared for him very much and could see a future with him, a number of things happened that stopped us from being together. By the time he was ready to make a commitment to me, I had already been with my current boyfriend for 6 months. As much as I love my boyfriend and am certain that he is the one I want to spend my life with, the uni guy has always felt like "the one that got away". We are still great friends and see each other often so I am very happy to still have him in my life.

Now for part 2. My best friend and I are going travelling together for a whole year in a few months. I have introduced her to the uni guy and we have all hung out together in a social setting many times over the past 12 months. She knows everything about what happened between the uni guy and myself... How I felt about him, what prevented us from being together at the time, how I still see him as one of my closest friends etc. I have been completely open with her and told her things about it that I've never told anyone else.

So I was extremely upset to find out that they have started seeing each other behind my back. I found out when a mutual friend saw them out on a date together. When I asked my best friend about it she said she had been meaning to tell me about it (and she had plenty of opportunities!)

Now I really wish to stress that I am extremely happy with my boyfriend and I love him very much. However, I can't help but feel hurt that my best friend has gone behind my back and started a relationship with my ex. I have expressed my feelings about it to both of them: that I am not happy with it and that I can't accept it right now. I have said that if they really think it is worth it and is going to work then I will have to come to terms with it eventually, but right now I feel completely betrayed. Whenever I think about them I feel physically sick. Not because i find them disgusting but because I am so angry, my blood boils and my stomach feels like it had disappeared. I am not so much angry at him as I am at her... After all he is a guy and (knowing him as I do) will take anything if it is offered up to him on a plate. I am so angry at her because it is an unwritten rule: if there is history between a guy and your friend, you don't go there! I would never dream of doin g that to any of my friends. Let blind my best friend! If they really felt that something was going to happen between then, I would have at least liked to have been asked how I felt about it and would I mind. BEFORE anything happened.

It has been a few weeks now and they are still meeting up despite my best friend insisting that I am her number one priority and she would never do anything to hurt me on purpose (ha.) In my opinion I have been dignified in my reaction to this situation and have been completely civil to her whenever I have seen her. I am still feeling so hurt by her and am worried as we will be spending a whole year together starting in a few months!

Please give me advice people, I don't know what to do!


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