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Feel like I'm going to break

I have posted on here before about my situation so I don't want to re hash everything that has got me to this point. Basically the long and short of it is that my wife decided about a year ago that she had no interest in trying to make a marriage work with me. I bent over backwards to try and make things work but she had just decided that she was going to make life miserable for me. About a month and a half ago she asked me to move out and I did so because she was making my life a living hell .

While I am feeling better in the sense that I don't have to deal with her selfishness, immaturity and negativity on a daily basis I sort of feel like the entire weight of the world is on my shoulders.

We have 3 year old twin girls and I am trying to make things as normal as possible for them. I have them for a week at a time and then they go with her for a week. This whole thing went down right during my busiest time at work. On the weeks I don't have the kids I am working almost 70 hour weeks, when I do have them it is more like 50. I drop them off at daycare at 7:00, pick them up at 5:30, get them dinner, a bath, into bed and then start the entire thing over the next morning. I have a pretty stressful and demanding job which makes it even harder.

The whole situation is effecting the girls. They have become very needy, basically for the entire week they are with me they cling to me non stop to the point that I can't ever really catch a breath. I am a loving and involved dad and I try my best to realize what they are going through but it is hard sometimes.

There are financial stresses as well, I'm trying to support myself and the girls and now my wife is trying to get me to give her money each month even though she works, the girls are with me half the time and I am already paying for all of their daycare (not to mention the fact that she is living rent free in her parents house).

I just don't feel that there is ever a moment to breath, I am constantly being pulled at from 100 different directions. I guess it's good that I am busy to keep me from getting depressed or something but there are times where it is just too much to bare.

I will take advice, support, anything you all can give me because right now I feel like I'm going to crack .


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