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Attraction beyond the steryotipical hunk

Again, I didn't want to hijack another thread, but as I have become fascinated over the years as to what women find attractive in men. It puzzles me a bit, because I suppose I formulated the wrong idea with a little too much Hollywood as a youngster. I thought if a guy looked and acted like Burt Reynolds or Tom Selleck,(my examples show my age) and had some positive things going on in their lives, women would flock to them.

I've discovered this isn't always the case. Some guys just seem to have this thing that isn't apparent that attracts women. When I was in my teens, for example, I knew a guy in his 20s who was already practically bald, back when bald wasn't in, and he had women fighting over him. I never understood it.

On the other hand, there are guys that seem to be good looking, etc., but the ladies just don't seem to go for them.

I though, who better to ask than the women of this forum to explain this. I'd like to include a great description from Personal and ask that the women respond. Do you feel that some guys just attract women without even trying? They just have this aura over them that says, "come get me, I'm interesting," even though they may not be the stereotypical hunk? Have you experienced this yourself?

I'm not saying that only the Tom Cruises of the world can attract women, but there are some things that have always puzzled me about attraction. Here is the quote"


Originally Posted by Personal (Post 11149714)
Not me, I'm 5'3" tall and except for having broad shoulders and a pleasant face and being fit and skinny until more recent years where I put weight on (which I've now started to lose :yay:). Yet I do still draw interest from some (of course not all) women who tend to be taller than me as has been my experience throughout my life.

I think there are some men and women alike who draw attention without having to do anything, from some of the opposite sex.

I don't think being built or not (that said it's cool to be fit and healthy), specifically draws interest alone, it really is a combination of things some people just have a bit of a beacon above their head saying I'm attractive come this way even if they don't realise it. I've seen short tall, fat skinny handsome and ugly draw pursuit from others, because they have something more about them than their appearance alone


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