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My husband's temper and depression

My husband and I have been married for 7 years, together for 13. We have an amazing two year old daughter. He has always had a temper. Anger is an issue in his family and he grew up with it. He has made great strides in improving how he deals with situations. But, over the past two years things have gotten much worse. Our fights get intense quickly. And, some of this is my fault. We know how to push each other's buttons. But, his anger prevents him from seeing straight and it makes things very difficult. In the past, he has yelled and thrown things. This morning, to get me to pay attention to him, he grabbed my wrist. It did not really hurt, but it felt aggressive. I was scared so I took my daughter upstairs and we went into the bathroom. He followed us up and when I didn't let him in, he punched the door and made two holes in it. I am scared that this first instance of physical anger is marking a progression.
He has been in counseling for anger for about two months and he also talks a lot about feeling depressed. I worry that these things are all related and I'm not sure what to do.


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