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Orgasmic Meditation

I'm taking a class next month in something called "Orgasmic Meditation" which is described here:

The practice is essentially a woman laying naked on her back and the man lightly stroking her clitoris and vagina with his hands (and a thick, long-lasting lube) in particular ways for 15 minutes.

What I found interesting about this video and thought to share with TAM is that the woman in the video said that before she started this practice, she never got pleasure out of sex. It was boring to her. After she started doing this it was like her sexual appetite blossomed in general - not just during the practice.

You'll note that the clitoris strokes are super light, and super slow - like you are just barely touching it, and yet she describes being lit on fire from the inside out. As a woman, I can relate to this. What really works for me by myself is touching the clitoris ever-so-gently at first and working my way up to speed and pressure.

For those of you who have LD wives and you've tried everything else, this technique might be worth a shot.


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