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House chores

How often does your husband cook for you? I know that nowadays most families divide house chores, specially if they both work. My wife and i both work and we try to be proactive when it comes to house chores. I work almost full time 34hrs per week and for the last 3 months I have almost been working 39hrs per week, my wife work 2 days per week and some time 3 per week (4 hours per shift). I love eating different things so that we don't get bored eating the same too often. (I'm not a good cook, but I try my best. I usually get ideas for cooking from YouTube) sometimes I come home and my wife is tired from taking care of our kid, so I decide to cook. Other times, my wife has the meal ready by the time I get home from work, which is nice. However, there is times when she keeps cooking the same meals (burgers or pastas) I know that she puts a lot of effort in cooking the meal, but sometimes I get bored from eating the same thing. Asked her to look for meals o n YouTube, but she seems afraid to try it). I'd like to know if your husband tries hard to cook for you or if they do not.


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