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Children after divorce.

Hi all, it is looking as though my wife and I may end up divorced for a variety of reasons. My biggest concern is the welfare of my baby son. I think he is also the biggest worry my wife has.

So I would like to know how you and your ex handled taking care of your children when you split. Both my wife and I love our son very much.

Were your kids crushed emotionally and did they act out in a negative fashion? I believe since our son is less than a year old he will be less likely impacted than if he were older.

Next question is how should my wife and I prepare for being the divorced parents of our child? I know I will be paying child support and I am fine with that. He is absolutely worth every penny and I trust my wife totally when it comes to finances.

Thanks for reading and please feel free to add any information you think I need to know outside of the questions I asked.


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