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Sick of guys moaning that they can't get female attention at the club!

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I am sick of guys coming on here and moaning about how they can't get anywhere at the club. Wah wah wah wah! It's as though the club is the be all and end all in these people's lives. It's sad.

First off I'll say the club isn't for everyone. Just because you can't get a woman's attention at the club it doesn't mean you're less of a man. I prefer to sit down with a drink and have a good talk over some good music. Clubs have never interested me. I'm 26 now and I'm single at the moment and I don't care for the club. It's a kids game. Everytime I step in a club it's like one huge playground. If you aren't into club culture then is there any wonder why you can't 'get the attention' of women in there?

Have you thought that women who will find you attractive just don't hang around in the places you frequent (meatmarkets)?



Why The Club Is Bad For Picking Up Girls:

Clubs are loud, this means verbal game is all but useless

*If you aren't a promoter, celebrity, staff or a hot girl you are an outsider*. As an outsider you have no value.

There are a million distractions for women in these environments, its very unlikely you'll be the most interesting thing in her reality

Clubs are the Olympics of socializing, meaning the difficulty and competition level is highest, you can make things much easier focusing on social circle, online and meeting women during the day

Generally speaking, quality women do not go to clubs very often or ever, that means the girl you met at the club is most likely not a fit for anything besides a casual relationship

Cockblocks are everywhere in the form of the girl's friends, her guy orbiters secretly in love with her, her song coming on that she needs to dance to etc.

You're also working against the stigma of being a random guy, that means not only do you have to pass her filter, you have to pass her friends and extricate her from having a good time to come with you at the risk of her reputation

The entire nightclub industry is built off the backs of guys trying to get laid but paradoxically the club is the hardest place for the average guy to get laid

Well... I have advice for you guys: GET OUT OF THE CLUB!! If you go to a place and it makes you feel down and in the dumps then why are you there? If more guys woke up and left the bright lights of the club then the nightclub industry would suffer greatly. The nightclub industry completely relies on desperate and lost men.

Posted from TSR Mobile


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