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Is it too late?

This is my first post here and I'm glad I found these forums.

We have been married for about 8 years now and have 4 beautiful kids. We have been living in Europe for the first 4-5 years of those, but decided to go back to the States because my wife was homesick.
We had our differences but usually were able to deal with them. There has been a lot of stress in our marriage from the beginning. But lately our arguements were getting worse and we agreed to go to marriage counseling. However, it never came to that. Early last week we got into an arguement that escalated, which resulted in the neighbors calling the police and she having a restraining order put on me (the protection order is for her and our children. )
At first she seems open to work on our relationship, but lately it seems she doesn't want to deal with me anymore. Since I am for Europe, I have nothing but my wife and children here in the States. I was using my mom as a third party, but she's not talking to her anymore.
At this point I don't care whose fault it is or who is to blame. I want it solved and I would love to reconcile above everything else, perhaps using a marital mediator (to fix our main issues) and/or through couples counseling. But the situation seems hopeless right now. I'm not even sure if she wants to continue or wants a divorce.

What do you think? Any help would be much appreciated.


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