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Must be more to life than just this,.?! Post-uni..

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Morning All,

I don't really know how I'm feeling right now or if I'm over-thinking and making myself a little more depressed as each day goes on..

So I finished my A-levels at 18 and then took a gap-year travelling around South America. Then started University at Durhum reading Economics and graduated last year summer. University was an amazing experience; the diverse range of people you meet, crazy antics, romance and flings, and ofcourse the lifestyle itself.

I was very emotional leaving university as I knew I would never really see 95% of people again due to distance and careers etc, I made an effort to wish well every girl I had dated or had a fling with and left with everything on good terms and nothing missed off from the university experience.

Since graduating, life has just been a pain. I'm 23 and work in some dead-end glorified admin job on peanut wages..the people I work with are ambitionless and uninspiring. I just don't really know what I want to do with my life right now as all the options seem closed and I feel very isolated as I've moved back home with my parents. I just can't imagine the next 25-30years working and paying taxes and that's my life's just so hurtful and depressing..

I'm applying for graduate schemes, but have no luck so far and my love-life is in shambles as I haven't been on a date or coffee with someone since leaving university. It's like I've dropped rock-bottom and all the past good memories feel like a dream..

Advices/thoughts are appreciated!


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