Hi everyone
*looks for a smiley and gets distracted by all the weird ones!*![]()
Clare from OnePlusOne here (the people behind the Couple Connection). We've been working with Captain Jack and other lovely Student Room-ers to develop a new relationships support tool for the Student Room. It will use insights and evidence to help give people a new perspective on their relationship issues.
Thanks very much if you have been involved in helping us so far. To make sure that the tool stays focused on exactly what you need, we'd love a few more minutes of your time to make sure we're on the right track.
We've put together a little explanation of our thinking so far followed by a couple of questions for you. If you have any questions for us, add them below and I'll try and respond as soon as I can.
AND… if you give us a hand, we'll add your name or username to our 'thank you' page on the tool so you can link to it from your CV.
The explanation...
We're planning to organise the tool based on four stages you might go through during a relationship:
- Single/dating
- Getting together
- In a relationship
- Breaking up
We've realised that sometimes the same kind of issues come up in each of these stages. For each stage we'll be looking at the same issues - but in a slightly different way each time. For example you might experience jealousy at any stage – but feeling jealous while dating might be a different kind of problem to feeling jealous when breaking up.
So far, the issues and questions we think people might face at each stage are:
- What happened in the past?
- What do I want in the future?
- Confidence and positivity
- Jealousy and trust
- Communication and arguing
We want to start building the tool by working on two issues per stage. We'll get to all the issues in the end but we need to work out the most important ones to start with.
For example for the 'Single/dating' stage we might start by helping people explore 'What do I want in the future?' and 'Confidence and positivity'. For 'Breaking up' we might start with 'What happened in the past?' and 'Communication and arguing'.
The questions...
1) What do you feel are the most important issues at each stage? We'd love to hear the two issues you think we should start with for each stage (and why). If you think we've missed out something important and should be looking at a completely new issue at one of the stages, let us know.
2) Take a look at this short video (it's a bit old but it helps you understand what we're looking for). We'd love it if you could come up with some thoughts, feelings and behaviours that people might experience when they are facing some of the issues we are looking at.
For example – what thoughts, feelings and behaviours might someone have (or do) when experiencing jealousy in a relationship? What about when having arguments when breaking up?
Organise your answer by telling us:
The situation:
The thoughts:
The feelings:
The behaviours:
These suggestions could be based on your own experience, those of people you know or from your experience on the Student Room. Or they could just be things you think people are likely to experience. We'd love to hear as many as you want to tell us – but especially ones you think are common or come up a lot.
Thanks very much for your thoughts. We'll be letting anyone who is interested have a sneak peek at the tool as it develops to give your feedback then too.
Any questions or comments - post below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
Thanks loads,
Put the internet to work for you.
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