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Deeply in love with two men!

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Guys I really need your help!

I am 21 years old and since the last three months I have been with a nigerian guy and I am totally in love with him! He seems to feel the same but our relationship has some problems once and a while. The main problems i face is that he hides his phone from me all the time and i dont really understand the reason.. Also, my boyfriend is very traditional and even if he fully enjoys having sex with me, he doesnt do the first move so often. I am the one who wants to meet him every day, but many times he finds excuses and he doesnt meet me. The problem is that I dont know if he doesnt want to meet me so much or I exaggerate i bit more that the normal about that... When I am with him I want to touch him all the time.. anyway from all these you understand that I am really in love with him...
However, few weeks ago I started a job and there is another nigerian guy here who is flirting me... I didnt give him space to do that but to let this end i started talking to him about my boyfriend. he got a bit excited when he heard that my boyfriend is from nigeria as well.. Anyway now he keeps flirting me but in such a nice way! Its like he is waiting for me to see that maybe he is better or his feelings are so strong that even if he knows that i have a boyfriend he cant stop thinking about me.. e.g yesterday he noticed that i dont eat so much and he told me 'i want you to take care of yourself, next time i will bring you food', he says hi all the time to me and anyway he is flirting me so discretely! The problem is that i have started to like him so much! he is so handsome and super sexy, like my boyfriend, and the way he treats me is so nice! of course i know that normally i should just stop doing anything cos maybe is just a crush, but the problem is that i can't!! I th ink of him all the time! But at the same time I really still like my boyfriend, i want to have sex with him all the time and generally spending time with him.. But now I start comparing these two which i know is bad cos i dont know this guy enough to know his character, but i really like him.. i imagine myself being with him, during the breaks i really feel the need to sit and chatting with him.. I dont know what to do!! Let me mention that we are not colleagues, we just work in the same place.. Guys give me some help, i like both of them!!!


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