This is something I was thinking about today and as a couple of initial points I want to get out of the way, I no personal issue with women who prefer men who are non-White and/or of a different ethnicity/ethnicities to myself. Secondly I do believe that sexual fetishes of foreign women are wrong.
Now that's out of the way
This is an example of a specific double standard I have noticed. Whenever a White women professes a preference for (for example) Black men, this is celebrated as a great thing, a "you go girl" moment, personally I couldn't care less about this, her choice, his choice but if anyone questions this, he is automatically a racist and/or insecure about his small penis.
However, as soon as a White man professes a preference for Asian women, eyebrows are raised, to say the least. He is a pervert with a fetish, the lowest of the low. Like I said, I am deeply uncomfortable with the idea of race-based fetishes (mainly because I think that people who have them are creating a relationship with an idea rather than a person which is hurtful to the person being fetishised) but there is a definite sense that the sexuality of a White woman is perfect and should never be questioned but that that same thing for a White man is dirty and shameful.
Even compare how much people talk about middle class White men going on sex-tours of South East Asia, this is repugnant in my mind, but the same thing of White women going on sex-tours of the Caribbean or Africa to exploit impoverished young Black boys, is never called into question.
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