I haven't posted 'My Story' yet. I'm still too angry to write down all the crap going through my head. I've written and deleted so much already...I guess what I really want to know is if I have 'the right' to be angry? I've felt a divorce is what I wanted for a while. When you can't stand the way a person walks, talks, acts, or even BREATHES...its time to go. Found the text messages that were the final nail in the coffin. Kicked him out. Barely 3 weeks later he thinks its OK to introduce this woman to MY children. The papers have been filed, but we're STILL married. I don't want him back. But I have enough respect for myself to not enter a relationship so soon and if i DID give in to my hormones and engaged in a physical relationship, he still wouldn't be meeting my kids! Am I just being bitter? I honestly don't know. I can picture him with her and it doesn't bug me...I know what she's getting and i'm not missing out on anything...trust me...I'm almost ce rtain he's living with her, playing daddy to her kid, while his kids have seen him 3 times in the last month. That's what pisses me off. WE'RE divorcing, doesn't mean he should divorce the kids. Would you be angry if your STBX was bringing your YOUNG kids around the OM/OW so soon after separating?
Put the internet to work for you.
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