Hi guys.
I would appreciate some feedback/ advice on my current situation as I am I'm sitting here completely bewildered and lost.
My story started like most stories. Graduated from college, fell in love, got married, had a baby.
All of this happened with in 4 years and we have been married for 3 years.
My husband is a serial online cheater. Every single time I would find out he would beg me and cry his eyes out and silly me always forgave him.
I notice since all of this started he would criticise every single thing I do. He would tell me how the house is filthy and how I should not bother to make food as it so tasteless.
Now this is the man that has 3 course meal waiting for him after work almost every night and I spend 3 hours cleaning my house everyday.
Needless to say I feel small, low, useless. Here is the kicker I am a stay at home mum and I PAY ALL THE BILLS.
He has a extremely good job that pays very well, yet he does not contribute to anything and claims he is saving for our family and we should use my family inheritance to manage for now. This has been going on for 2 years.
The reason I'm here is on Thursday he come home from work packed up all of his things and left. He told me he could not live like this anymore I'm a horrible wife and mother and that I'm just useless and he refuses to carry my throughout life. We haven't seen him since then.
My question to you guys is
1 what do you think of my situation
2 what should I do next
Ps. Excuse my name it was made a long time ago.
Posted via Mobile Device
I would appreciate some feedback/ advice on my current situation as I am I'm sitting here completely bewildered and lost.
My story started like most stories. Graduated from college, fell in love, got married, had a baby.
All of this happened with in 4 years and we have been married for 3 years.
My husband is a serial online cheater. Every single time I would find out he would beg me and cry his eyes out and silly me always forgave him.
I notice since all of this started he would criticise every single thing I do. He would tell me how the house is filthy and how I should not bother to make food as it so tasteless.
Now this is the man that has 3 course meal waiting for him after work almost every night and I spend 3 hours cleaning my house everyday.
Needless to say I feel small, low, useless. Here is the kicker I am a stay at home mum and I PAY ALL THE BILLS.
He has a extremely good job that pays very well, yet he does not contribute to anything and claims he is saving for our family and we should use my family inheritance to manage for now. This has been going on for 2 years.
The reason I'm here is on Thursday he come home from work packed up all of his things and left. He told me he could not live like this anymore I'm a horrible wife and mother and that I'm just useless and he refuses to carry my throughout life. We haven't seen him since then.
My question to you guys is
1 what do you think of my situation
2 what should I do next
Ps. Excuse my name it was made a long time ago.
Posted via Mobile Device
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