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Letter to my husband i want to send next week

Below is a copy of a letter that I have composed and wish to send to my husband next week. Please read it over and let me know what you think. Thanks for the advice.:)

I have always been a believer in trying everything possible to fix a problem. I don't know how to fix these issues between you and I. I know that I am trying my best to be strong and continue to make changes which you finally admitted that you saw me making.

It has just been over a week of us being separated and it is really hard. I miss talking to you every day. I miss you coming and cuddling with me before I go to sleep. I miss you making me laugh and making me think about things I never considered before.

I have been getting so much advice on what to do, it is overwhelming. I have people telling me to be patient, slow down, take it day by day and try to work it out. I have other people saying you have no respect for me at all and I should file for divorce right away and get out.

At this point I don't know what to do. So I am taking it day by day and working on making myself a better person. I can see that this has been hard on you as well and you are having a tough time too. I admit I do not understand why you can't move forward and learn to let the anger go. I do understand that you have a right to your feelings but holding onto them this long is not good. Please consider talking to a counsellor to help you get through these feelings you are holding onto.

I am still willing to work through these problems and start fresh. I would like us to communicate better and would like for us to go back to the marriage counsellor and talk these things through. I find too many couples give up so quickly and don't take the time work through the issues and give it the time it needs to work. I get it, these problems will not fix themselves overnight, but they can be fixed. Is it really worth it to you to throw our marriage away without really trying to fix it?

I feel we have a potential for a great marriage. Take the time you need to figure things out. I do not want to rush into anything and I hope you feel the same.

Love Tricia


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