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Accepting someone else's life goals.

I have often had this debate with my wife relating to our life goals.

We have similar interests and goals in life but when it comes down to how we each built ourselves into who we are today the views are very different.

She disagrees with my life goals of what I did to become whom I am today which is a person who does not have to work 50 - 60 hours a week just to survive.
Sure I could, and have in the past when I felt it warranted it, but the way I largely have approached my life is with planning and patience which unfortunately to some people seems to be seen as lazy because unlike them I don't spend/waste my time effort and life spinning my wheels going nowhere fast. :p

My wife on the other hand is the type who prefers to run wide open with little immediate concern for possible future problems due to poor or improper/unrealistic planning.

My point is when things get tough I get up and get going to fix them but otherwise I am for the most part pleased with who I am where I am and see my slow but continual advances and gains in life, mostly done on a pay as I go approach, as a good and satisfactory thing.

How do I relate this to a busy body that my way is not necessarily wrong. Just not their way?

BTW. Personally I rather enjoy sitting back and watching the busy bodies run themselves into the ground day after day only to come out no further ahead than I did by taking the slow and steady planned out route. :D


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