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Wife doesn't clean herself. From where I am, I have 3 options. Need advice

I've only been married for one year. I'm 22 and my wife is 21. She was a virgin and wanted to wait until marriage for sex. I've had my share of women prior to our wedding so her wanting to wait didn't bother me. She is very attractive. Easily an 8 without makeup. The issue is that her private area always stinks. I don't know if she has some sort of problem but it smells very bad. I'm someone who loves to go down on a woman. The first time I went down there, I literally felt like somebody pimp slapped me with a live trout :mad: Seriously it was that bad. I didn't want her to feel embarrassed so I still did it but I felt very dirty afterwards. I've dropped hints in the past for her to clean herself and she never really got it. When she does try to clean herself, she smells like straight bar soap; Almost like she just lazily shoves the bar of soap down there with some water. On other days, it really smells like hot garbage down there. I seriously think that she doesn't know how to clean herself. I bought her some sexy underwear for Christmas and she looked drop dead gorgeous in it. I proceeded to go down on her and you can just say that I would have rather shoved my face in a dirty diaper before going back in there.

So I'm at a crossroad here. She doesn't really push me for sex and if I didn't initiate it, we would probably have sex maybe once every couple weeks. I've thought about sleeping with other women to fill that void but that's the last resort. For now, I can only see myself trying to force her to clean herself or separating for a while. I hate to sound shallow but this is a big deal to me. This woman is the total package besides this problem. Cheating will lead to disaster although I am tempted a lot when I go out with my friends. What should I do or is she set in her ways and there is no way to fix this?


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