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Move in to flat with strangers of continue to live with boyfriend?

I am 20, have lived with my bf for the past 6 months. Our lease is up next month and I don't know whether to move in to a flat with other female students or continue to live with him. I have never really felt that I've had the 'typical uni experience' so I thought that by living with other students I would be able to do this but I don't know if I could continue my relationship with him not living with him as it would be like a step back. I'm not sure what to do, I don't want to regret leaving him and on the other hand I don't want to regret never having the whole 'student experience' of ONS and flat parties etc. Wish I didn't meet him till I was older to get all that stuff out my system, he used to live with flat mates and has been on a lads holiday etc, want a shot to do it too.

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