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Incompatible desires?

I've been in a relationship with this girl for just over two years.
She's a fantastic person, and I really love her. Even to the point, that I believe that she may be the one.

However, there's a hitch. We have incompatible sex drives. I have a high one (i.e. I could do it 5/6 times a day easily) whereas she doesn't.
Now to be honest, this wouldn't usually bother me. However, over the last year or so, we've only been having sex once or twice a month, which has made me a tad disillusioned in this relationship.
I've attempted to spice it up (i.e. handcuffs, dressed up at Christmas), and she doesn't seem that interested.
I've usually viewed any type of sexual intercourse as the icing on the cake, a bonus if you like. I don't expect to be intimate that much, but I just feel like there could be more of an effort.

What is even more puzzling for me, is that when she was with her ex (who was her first), they used to have sex pretty much everyday. She admitted that half of the time it was enjoyable, whilst the other half of it seemed like a chore. Thus, throughout our relationship, I've always persuaded her to have sex whenever, as I don't want her to feel like its a chore with me.

I've spoken to her about it a lot recently, and she says that she enjoys it. However, she finds it difficult to relax and feels conscious about her body (mainly her breasts). She asked me "what can I change?", but I'm really not sure. You can't surely change the frequency of your sexlife without it becoming a menial chore can you?
On top of that, I can't ask her to increase her sexdrive neither?

I'm not the type of guy who will go elsewhere for sex, and she knows that.
But I'm partially worried, that she sees that as a reason not to be intimate with me as well.

Could anyone give me advice on what you would do in this circumstance?

Ps. Mods: I'm not looking for sex tips. I'm looking for relationship tips.

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