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Feel like punishing people

I feel on edge, and frankly want to punch everybody.

I am 21, and frankly I'm tired of people harassing me and wishing me harm because they say I'm "smart". I know somebody will say "get over it!" but those same people will go "aw!" when somebody posts about their boyfriend leaving them. Why is there pain of more consequence than mine, and who the hell are you to decide? What makes your determination so supreme?

So what if I am smart? And if people pick on those who are short, have ginger hair, or any other trait that makes somebody "stand out" everybody says "aw!!" But nobody says anything to me. Even my parents don't say anything. Somebody will say "why should they?" lol.. and then these same people will defend their children to the hilt if somebody says anything about them...

Why pick and choose? And before somebody cites "life is tough, and?" is our society based on arbitrariness and fickle behaviour? Again, people are too hypocritical. These same persons who say that will complain to the hilt if they get a cold coffee in Starbucks or something. That sounds silly, but the principle is the same. Why tell others that life is arbitrary when you yourself don't accept it? I think some people deserve to be thrown out of the country, they clearly don't get modern value systems. And yes, life is tough, but this doesn't mean hardships cannot be reversed or eliminated. If you got sick and had cancer, would you accept it or seek a cure/treatment?

I feel tired since I feel cheated out of life, and some persons maliciously sought to cheat me. I won't accept that, and will do what it takes to rectify it. I have no friends, and frankly people deny me them based on stupid childlike value systems. I can't go anywhere without somebody trying to impose their "supremacy" and tell others not to hang out with me. Somebody will say "well get with it", lol... I'm sorry but I don't see that as an inherent human imperative. It's actually documented medically that humans don't need to do this. Somebody will say this is being PC, but it's not. Think about it. Who generally gets satisfaction from acting that way and is there any true need to? Do your parents do it? I think most humans by design seek to mind their own business and not ruffle others up, this is how human society is based at its root.

Some may deem this too tl;dr, but to cut to the chase, the following will be a summary:

- I won't be denied normal life any longer. Everybody used to laugh and bully me as a child for being "too smart" and frankly people need to be punished for it. The fact is society always condemns harassing children, and nobody said anything, so they deserve to be punished. People should be punished for seeking to choose arbitrarily who warrants good treatment or not. You would essentially be saying "somebody harassed a child...eek! the monster!!" and then turn your nose at such an instance. That's not on, and frankly you warrant a fractured skull for that. I doubt the police nor the judge/jury in court will care. What will you say if prompted why did you arbitrarily choose who warrants good treatment?

Essentially, people are saying I'm not subject to the same rights as everybody else. I thought this was a free and equal country. Again, reference my earlier point in that regard. I could accept if this was 1312 CE or something, but it's not.

- I won't be denied friends any longer. Some of you will say "I treat everybody nicely!" Really? Prove it. I think most younger people only treat those nicely who them deem "cool" or rated. People are lying if they say otherwise. If people are always so nice, why not say hello to everybody you meet on a bus? Or in a shop? If you're so "nice" you shouldn't hesitate to do this?

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