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confusing girl

I suppose there's unlikely to be much possible advice since everyone's different but ill ask anyway.
Theres this girl, we've gone out for drinks a few times, its gone quite well im surprised at how easy it feels talking to her without my usual anxiety and worriying ( still a bit but i can put up with that). we've kissed and other minor sexual stuff and talked about sex a fair bit, maybe even together but when we have seen each other its been very spaced apart, maybe not going out after the last time for another few months even. And a few times weve been texting and she'll just randomly stop replying sometimes after i say when's good for you after she says yeah shed like to go out again or even just mid normal conversation.
So it feels like theres definitely something there between us but she just seems so confusing.
To be honest ive kinda given up on it unless something suddenly happens but still be nice to understand a bit more.

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