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I have a crush on a guy in LDR who also has a crush on me

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We don't know what to do with this situation

So there is this best friend at my school I have developed feeling for a while now and it seems like he likes me too because he started being flirty while chatting and keep on staring at me recently as well as physical contact. And the other day after school we were walking together, talking, what sort of best friends do this kind of thing (physical contact) then I believe he mumbled "what if I said I really like you".
Last week we went to film as friends but afterwards we ended up holding hands and hugging longer than greeting hugs. He told me his girlfriend didn't make him feel this way but he kept saying he feels bad, and he doesn't know what to do with the situation as he's in long distance relationship. I said take your time and I'd be happy as it is now...but tbh I have no idea what I should do or what he should do.

Any advice?


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