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People coming onto you when they're in a relationship

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Has this ever happened to you?

On Friday I had my first driving test (I failed) and one of my friends that I met on a dating app back in like March or something used to help me out with my driving and my theory test and things like that, so I started talking to him again after a while to tell him what happened.

I used to like him a lot, and we were quite close for a period of time. I liked him mainly because he wasn't really like the other guys I'd met off of dating apps per say, he never asked me for pictures, nor did he send them, he never said dirty things to me or about me and never expected me to say sexual things. I was like, wow, this guy may actually be decent!!!

Then he got drunk one night and started sending me numerous unsolicited dick pictures, and I was like hmm okay I'll go along with it, just because I'm too nice to complain about that ****. Then, of course, he expected me to send pictures back and I was like, "Hmm, no? You sent those pictures without even asking me if it was alright to do so, I don't want to send you pictures of me." And he got all bitchy with me, deleted my number, deleted my snapchat, and I was like wow. Because I still effing liked him, I was pretty upset, but I'm really not the kind of girl to send sexual pictures to people that don't deserve them... Or anyone, really.

Anyway, back to about a month a go, I texted him again just saying hi, seeing what he was up to. Then we got talking a bit more and I was like **** it, and told him that I used to like him. He told me he had a girlfriend and was kind of annoyed that I'd chosen to tell him then, and I was like hmm, okay, well the keyword was USED to like you, I don't anymore. This was true.

About five minutes after I sent my text I got a text off an unknown number saying "Hey this is ***'s friend, he really really likes you and can't stop talking about you!!!" and, obviously because I'm not EFFING DUMB I was like "Hi ***'s girlfriend, are you feeling intimidated by me???" Because I'm just really great at being confrontational. And yeah I was really mad at him and we stopped talking YET AGAIN.

Okay, so fast forward to today, he adds me back on snapchat and everything starts off normally, we're just speaking like "Hi, what are you up to." and then I show him my Christmas tree because it's obviously amazing then he sent one back of his tree and then I was like "Hah, mine's better" then he's all "Be a rebel ;))))))" and I'm like "But I'm a good girl??" and then he goes "Why don't you be naughty for me? ;)" For ****SAKE no I hate people like you and so I'm like "Hmm aren't you forgetting that you have a girlfriend" and then he replies with "I won't tell if you don't. You won't will you?" and I'm like ughhhh I can't believe how lucky I was to not having our relationship going any further than it was. And I gave him a few choice words on how he's a cheat and a tool and a c*nt and yeah :$

Anyway, long story short... Is what I've done right? Should I tell his girlfriend? (I still have her number) Or should I just let everything go like water under the bridge? I feel like she needs to know what's going on with her boyfriend, and I know for a fact he's probably doing it with more girls than just me by looking at his friends on snapchat.

Has anyone else been in a situation like this??? If so, what have you done?


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