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I think I might be asexual

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I'm an 18 year old girl and I think I might be asexual.
I'm still a virgin and that's by choice I guess, I have had boyfriends in the past and always thought that I'd wanna have sex with them If I got to know them better and felt more comfortable around them, but I've never had the urge to. My current boyfriend is literally my dream guy looks and personality wise but I still don't feel any kind of sexual attraction to him. And i don't think i've felt any sexual attraction to anyone. I feel bad as he has been very patient with me. I mean we've done other stuff but I haven't particularly enjoyed them, I just do them to make him happy. When I see a hot guy I can acknowledge he's hot and appreciate that, but I also do the same with girls. I know I'm not a lesbian cause the idea of being with a girl doesn't appeal to me at all. But I don't know whether i'm attracted to guys either. My interest in guys does not usually last long and being affectionate doesn't come easily and I have been called heartless on many occasions by exes because break ups don't seem to upset me. I dunno why but every time i like a boy I'd rather be friends than any thing more cause I always think thats easier.
I had no problem being a virgin because I put it down to not finding the right guy, but no I think I have I can't understand why I still don't want to have sex


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