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Why Do Girls Obsess About This Question And Then Lie, Why?

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This is the second time in like 6 months I've been asked this question by a girl.

The question was how many girls have I been with and how many I slept with so far. My answer both times was the truth, I genuinely cannot remember. Its not that I'm having sex with 10 different girls every week, nothing like that - its just how can anyone possibly remember s*** like this?

The first girl that asked me thought I was disgusting after I told her that, I then asked her the same question and I think she said 1 or 2. Like am I supposed to believe that? It made me really angry because that one gets like hundreds of likes on insta and shes so fit, and shes telling me she only slept with 1 or 2 guys. I know the tsr rights activist people are going to start screaming saying no no shes not lying but I have an opinion. The fact is I wouldnt have cared if it was 50 guys she slept with, I just didnt appreciate her answer after her reaction of my answer.

And I dont really want to make her look like some crazy *** but from the way I was holding her and they way we were messing about, it didnt seem like she only had 1-2 guys before me. Just saying though.

The second one just said 'Oh' no idea what that means. Naturally I didnt ask her because shed probably say 1 or 2 again and then put doubts into my head.

Everyone has a past, why do girls obsess about knowing the past of someone they didnt know. Im not gonna tell my life story here but they go through my fb pics and ask about every girl who liked or commented.


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