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Study about Dating

An Economist Goes Into a Bar

and he tries to make a study about speed dating. I have some doubts about methodology.

Here are the highlights: Looks are important to guys. Intelligence and ambition were good too...but not if they were perceived as more intelligent or ambitious than the man according to his perceptions.

For women, intelligence was incredibly important. A man could not be too intelligent or ambitious.

Here is the odd one though, that I wanted to bring up.


Another clear gender divide, this one less expected, emerged in our findings on racial preferences, reported in a forthcoming article in the Review of Economic Studies. Women of all the races we studied revealed a strong preference for men of their own race: White women were more likely to choose white men; black women preferred black men; East Asian women preferred East Asian men; Hispanic women preferred Hispanic men. But men don't seem to discriminate based on race when it comes to dating. A woman's race had no effect on the men's choices.

Two wrinkles on this: We found no evidence of the stereotype of a white male preference for East Asian women. However, we also found that East Asian women did not discriminate against white men (only against black and Hispanic men). As a result, the white man-Asian woman pairing was the most common form of interracial dating—but because of the women's neutrality, not the men's pronounced preference. We also found that regional differences mattered. Daters of both sexes from south of the Mason-Dixon Line revealed much stronger same-race preferences than Northern daters.
Not sure I buy this. What are your experiences?

Please note: this is a 7 year old study and if it's already been discussed, I apologize.


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