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Moved in with a neo-Nazi in my shared house. I need to get out asap.

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I am a minority. I have been here for a month and today I have found out my flatmate is a skinhead Nazi basically and has been for decades. On the first night he basically started a rant about Jews and I thought this was just regular racism. He then started a rant about the Pakistani shop down the road, I thought again this was just regular racist ignorance.

This morning he admitted he was a skinhead back in the day and used to love going out for football fights.

You can never have a normal conversation with him because he is always so angry and aggressive, he thinks everything is an argument. I never see him on weekdays much but I hate bumping into him because he always has some argument to have.

Basically, I have signed for a year but I need to get out asap. It's only been a month in and he talked about having beat up Pakistanis before and I found that weird as ****.


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