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Don't know what to do.

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Sorry this may be a long post. I just really need to remove my anxiety right now and possibly get some advice as to what I am and should be doing with my life.

Basically, my parents don't like my boyfriend very much because of where he lives. They also think that he's not good enough for me and that I should get more experience with boys before I settle (Before any one asks by settle they don't mean marriage or whatever because even I am not ready for all of that yet O.O, they mean stay with the same guy) The problem also being is that my boyfriend is not doing very well in his college studies and may be aiming too high as a career (dentistry). However, he is really sweet and nice and romantic and almost always puts me first, he makes me happy. However, for as long as my parents don't like us being together I think I am always going to go through periods such as tonight where I doubt the relationship.

Problem is I really don't know what I should do or who to listen to or even who to trust at the moment because since my parents started hating my boyfriend, my parents have given me nothing but hell. When I went through a break with my boyfriend and I was feeling upset and low my parents lied to me and told me that I had put them on anti depressants which made me sink even further. In addition to this, I am now living in my own accommodation and every time I come home to my parents they make me feel like crap and I really dread going home anymore. As you can imagine this made me consider whether it was worth it all.

However, whilst my parents were making me feel like Crap my boyfriend was there through it all. However, the other flip of the coin is that despite being absolutely amazing and sweet and romantic, (spending money on holidays and various other thing so that we could do together) he can also be quite manipulative especially when we go through rough patches and he plays the "depression" card due to his previous history of depression. I also do not have a very good support network of friends because they all tend to go out together and never invite me, so I have nowhere to turn to and I really don't know what to do or where to turn or who to trust because between the lying and the manipulating I feel like I am so alone and so confused.
Please help me. I'm feeling really anxious about the situation I am in at the moment and I really need advice or at least someone to tell me what to do. I really need a friend right now but as usual I don;t have any :/


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