As the title says.. is it possible? Surely theres gotta be a way..
Met a girl at uni
Told me straight away she had a gf (LDR 5+yrs)
I (believing thats cool we can be friends) act cool and became close friends with her
A few months in, I feel more feels for her
I indirectly tell her, she says sorry but she has a bf, she happy, i shouldn't be selfish
Few weeks later things went back to normal and I didn't mention my feels again
3 months on, we talk a lot via Whatsapp,Facebook,etc
She says I am like her best friend.
Now I have pretty much given up on the fact that we will ever date.
But we get on really well together so I don't wanna lose the friendship
So, how do I go about this?
The feels are still there, but I think I can handle it
I'll see her in uni next month.
I've made a lot of mistakes with this girl, which I realise now, but obv won't make same mistakes with any other girl (the obvious one being I got too close to her even though I knew she had a bf)
Put the internet to work for you.
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