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paranoia in relationships

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I am currently dating someone and have been seeing him for the last few months. Recently I have become really paranoid about being used. He messages me everyday, i have met a few members of his family and friends, he tells me he cares me etc. But most of the nice things he says about me are to do with my looks and being good in bed. He compliments me on those things everyday i see him wheras only says something nice about my personality on rare occasions. Is this something to be paranoid about? Or is this a red flag he may just be with me for the wrong reasons? Maybe its normal for a guy not to be complimenting someones personality and reasons why you like them everytime you see them...

I have been playing over in my head the times he has told me he likes me and cares about me to reassure myself that im not being used for my looks and in bed.

How do you really know if someone is using you?

I had an ex once tell me that all future men would either dump or cheat on me and admitted to only being with me in the end for the sex and because he thought i was attractive. This was a long time ago but has given me deep issues and insecurities regarding sleeping with people and the sort of compliments i receive.


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