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lonely :(

hey all

my marriage has now come to a silent end i feel,after talking until im blue in the face about how we both need to make it work it seems my husband has proven he is never going to ever support me in anything.
Ive been having terrible problems with my business and he never comes to solicitors appointments with me or helps me with anything,yet expects me to be all nice and friendly when we are at home together.
I recently had a horrendous experiance with a medical professional who performed an internal scan,basically after making many innapropriate comments i returned home bawling my eyes out and very upset and after telling my husband what had happened he dident show me any kind of comfort at all and went out to one of his friends houses to spend a few hours working out and smoking pot.
How can someone change in such a way? to go from making you feel like the most imporant person on earth? dont make sense


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