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How to deal with the thought of my sister being "sexually active"

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Anon as she goes on here please.

Okay, this is going to sound really strange but I need to know how people can help me get over these thoughts, or at least be able to move on. My sister is 20 and she has gotten her first boyfriend, she is really innocent so I never really thought of her doing sexual stuff... Or well, I didn't even think she knew about half of it because she is totally naive and innocent about that kind of thing!
Well the other day I overheard her talking on the phone with her friend about all the stuff she did with her boyfriend, which included some pretty sexual stuff. She knows I know, and kind of shrugged it off but I don't know, I feel sick thinking about it? I don't know if it's because she is my little sister, and it's like her innocence is being taken away? It's just really's more annoying I can't shake it off since she is 20, so perfectly capable of making these decisions herself.

Sorry if this sounds weird, I just need to know how to really shake off these thoughts, it's really getting my down and I feel like I can't look at her the same way! Even though that's stupid.


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