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I have some honest (but embarassing) questions

Hi. I'm new here and have a few things I'm trying to work through. I hope someone will help me out as I'm a verbal processor. I have a very low libido but find that if I read sexy stories it really helps me out. But I feel bad and dirty after I read them, even though it leads to some really good sex. Because of these bad feelings, I don't often partake in that activity. Rationally, I know it's okay to read it - I'm an adult. But I feel guilty afterwards. Is it normal for woman to look at sexual material for arousal? Am I a bad person because I need a little help?

Also, how do you deal with having sex when your teenagers are in the next room (their bedrooms). I know they know about sex but it makes me feel humiliated or embarrassed if they were to know what we were doing. Which I know is silly because they should want to see the door shut as often as possible because it means mom and dad's marriage is good. But still....

I want to have a higher sex drive, are there any tips to get there? I find that I normally don't want to have sex, don't even think about it but I like it when we do have it and so does my husband. What I mean is that most of the time it's pretty good. I really don't know what my issue is. I never want to have it but usually when I give in, I like it. I'd like to want it before he touches me and not have to "give in".

Any advice or support would be appreciated.

Thank you.


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